Positioned in the Hollywood Hills overlooking the intersection of Highland and Franklin, this unique historic home was conceived in the minds of Samuel and Harriet Freeman in the 1920’s. The LA Based socialites would then go on to commission famed architect, Frank Lloyd Wright, to build their home with inspiration coming from Frank Lloyd Wright’s previous masterpiece, the Hollyhock House, known for a unique styling of decorative textile blocks. The Freeman House was completed in 1923 and served as an epicenter of artistic and political gatherings for decades.
In 1986, the Freeman’s donated their home to the School of Architecture at the University of Southern California, but unfortunately, the 1994 Northridge earthquake caused significant damage to the structure. WREG purchased the home from USC in 2022 and is currently in the Pre-Construction phases of the project with the Office of Historic Resources and LA Conservancy. WREG aims to complete the restoration with respect to the vision of Frank Lloyd Wright and style of the contributions made by Rudolf Schindler, Gregory Ain, John Lautner and Eric Lloyd Wright.